The Secrets of the Castle Gardens

The Secrets of the Castle Gardens

May 17th - August 31st, 2020

The Gardens of the Royal Castle

The outdoor exhibition prepared by the Department of Archeology shows the most interesting discoveries made in the Upper and Lower Gardens, made during decades of excavations. We hope that all visitors will feel that they are in a special place, where the earth hides relics of centuries of history and many fascinating secrets - among them the alleged Masonry Lodge, the graves of Swedish soldiers from the time of the Swedish Deluge or the defensive wall from the time of King Sigismund III ...

The exhibition presented in front of the Kubicki Arcades is combined with an outdoor game. Traversing the Gardens with a special map and finding in the area marked with flags further places covering historical relics, we can guess the encrypted password, and then collect the prize!

Drawings and watercolors placed on the boards were made especially for the Castle by an excellent illustrator, painter and architect - Michał Suffczyński.

Curators of the exhibition: Jan Łoziński and Rafał Mroczek

Design and implementation: Tomasz Lachowski, DEFINITION DESIGN

Free admission, exhibition available from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m.